Friday, August 26, 2016

8 Easy Ways To Get Over Writer's Block

11:52:00 AM

We have all been there. Every author goes through writer's block once in awhile. It might last for a day or two or sometimes even a few weeks. Now, there's nothing wrong in not wanting to write for sometime. Because writers, just like everyone else, need a break too. But, you might want to get back to it after awhile. So without further ado, Here are my '7 Easy Ways To Get Over Writer's Block'. They have always worked for me, hopefully they will for you too. 

1. Put your pen down and pick a book up

When you can't write, read. It's as simple as that. Put your pen down (or leave your computer) and just bundle up with a bunch of books and read. Read. Read. And read. This works for me all the time. After a good read I am always inspired to write. 

2. Go for a walk

Do some kind of outdoor activity. Walking works. You can try running too or yoga is a great way to distress. Just go outside. Taking your lovely pet along (If you have one) on a walk really helps. Whenever I can't write, I just take my golden retriever for a walk. He loves walks and my mood changes. So it's a win-win.

3. Don't stress too much about it

Worrying is the last thing you want to do. Hear me out. It's absolutely OKAY to not be able to write sometimes. You haven't lost your talent or skills. You are just taking a break from it all for sometime. 
Eventually, you will get back to it. 

4. Blast those headphones 

Music is just the best thing ever. It is so soothing. Whenever you find yourself suffering from writer's block, just listen to music. Listen to all your favorite songs, your favorite genre, your favorite artist. Music really helps. It always does.  

5. Try Hiking

This might depend from individual to individual. But hiking always works for me. Nature has that effect on me I guess. Writer's block? Hike. The scenic, raw beauty in nature will surely clam you down and you might as well get inspired to write. 

6. Find your inspiration

I always find rains inspiring. Don't know why. They are just so beautiful. They always tend to make me happy. What you need to do is find your inspiration. What inspires you? No one knows that except for you. Find it. And don't let it go. 

7. Get out of that room



Get out of that room. Seriously. Meet up with your friends. Have a nice lunch, a few laughs and a good time. You will feel much better. Being surrounded by your loved ones makes you feel good and helps you feel good about yourself in turn. 

8. Find someone you can trust 

Find someone you can trust your old work with and make them read it. Ask them to provide you with an honest opinion. Chances are that this will really help. It always helps me. Whenever I suffer from writer's block, I go straight to my sister. She always makes me feel good about my work. So find that person. You will feel much better. 

So those were my methods. Did you find this useful? Let me know in the comments down below. And subscribe and follow for more. 


Thursday, August 25, 2016

7 Things Parents Don't Understand

1:21:00 PM

Parents are great. They put a roof over our heads, feed us and whatnot. They are there for us when we need them. But. Well, there a few things that parents don't understand. They just don't. So, without much further ado, here I count down '7 Things Parents Don't Understand'. 

1. Procrastination is an art

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. And messy rooms are beautiful. And if you think otherwise, you just need a new perspective. Seriously. And, it's okay to delay cleaning your room. Or doing homework. Or anything else for that matter. Why, you ask me? Because, procrastination is an art. And it requires a very high amount of professional laziness. It's talent. Parents usually don't get that. 

2. Comparison does no help whatsoever











"Mary got an A+ on that test. What happened to you?"
 "Well, uh I got a C+. That's not that bad." 
 "But Mary got an A+. You are grounded."

Well, guess what. I don't care if Mary got an A+. Why do we even care about Mary in the first place? Sometimes, parents just don't seem to see that comparing us to others is not helping. AT ALL. It never does. And that's probably why they should stop doing that. 

3. Taking away the WiFi is a bad idea

It's really not a good idea to take away the WiFi connection. It definitely doesn't help with my studies. Because NOW I DON'T HAVE GOOGLE! What am I supposed to do now?   
Seriously, parents just don't get it. 
Internet can be very useful sometimes.



 4. It's okay to be unstable


Sometimes we lash out. We scream. We shout. We cry. We laugh. We don't have control over it. We are teenagers for crying out loud. What else do you expect? And it's OKAY. It's not drama. Parents don't get it sometimes.

5. Because it's important 


"Why is the concert of that band so important to you?" 
"I never wanted video games when I was your age. Why are they so important?"
"Why is that dress so important?"

Because it is! This is inexplicable. We get passionate about certain things. It could be a band, a book, a game anything for that matter. Teens are passionate people. It is important. It just is. 


6. I will do it. LATER!

Now, we all have a list of chores that we are supposed to do. The dishes, ironing, anything. And when we say we will do it later, we mean it. You don't always have to keep reminding us. Really. We will do our chores. Just not NOW. but LATER. The concept is quiet clear, don't you see?

7. Expectations are sometimes unhealthy  

Now, I am not saying to expect absolutely nothing. It's just too many expectations are a real source of stress. Sometimes, the grades may not be good for example, just try to go easy in such situations. That's all. 

So those were '7 Things Parents Don't Understand.' Can any one of you relate? Comment below and let me know. And subscribe for more about music, books and the craziness that's life. 



Tuesday, August 23, 2016

7 Beautiful Underrated Songs that will be the Death of you

6:33:00 AM

Music has always played a vital role in my life. It has always been there for me. It is always there when I am sad, happy, a bit out of my mind or crazy if you will. ALWAYS. No matter how great your day might have been, it just takes one sad song and all your memories just come rushing back to the surface. Most of us can relate to this. What I am trying to say here is music has that effect on us. There is this inexplicable thing about music. I can't even explain it. Music calms you down, it comforts you, soothes you and it makes you feel something unfathomable. 

FUN FACT : Music is one of the activities that stimulates, activates and uses your entire brain.  

So I love music, always have and always will. And there have been times when I fell in a love with an absolutely enchanting song wasn't that appreciated or famous. Here are my 7 most favorite songs that are underrated sadly:

1. Yours - Ella Henderson

A song rich with feelings and the most beautiful lyrics ever. The soft background music perfectly compliments the artist's enthralling voice. The video itself is a treat. Definitely a must watch. A few of my favorite lines in the song -

And I would fight my strength to untape my mouth
When I used to be afraid of the words
But with you I’ve learnt just to let it out
Now my heart is ready to burst

2. When You Sleep - Mary Lambert

One foot in front of the other
Keep breathing just like they taught you

I could make you happy
I could make you love me
I could disappear completely

Studded with feelings, this song screams perfection. It's so beautiful, it takes my breathe away. Literally. Make sure to give it a listen. 

3. Once in a Lifetime - One Direction



This song is just heavenly. It's so's so good that you will want to keep listening to it again and again. And when that happens, keep in mind that I did warn you, this song is highly ADDICTIVE. It calms you down. This raw beauty in it differentiates it from other One Direction songs. They have many good catchy songs, but this one stands out. 

Once in a lifetime
It's just right
We make no mistakes
Once in a lifetime
you were mine     

4. Invisible - 5 Seconds of Summer

I was already missing before the night I left
Just me and my shadow and all of my regrets
Who am I? Who am I when I don't know myself?
Who am I? Who am I?

The lyrical beauty in this song never fails to fascinate me. And their voices just make it all even better. And wait till the end of the song because just when you thought it can't get any better, it does. 

5. Stones - Barbarossa 


I found this wonderful song thanks to How I Met Your Mother. So beautifully written and sung, it's just breathtaking. 

Stones that I
Carry around
Every stone's
A story
It weighs me down

6. Inside Of Love - Nada Surf


This was on the How I Met Your Mother song track list too. That show just has the best song track list ever. 

I wanna know what it's like
On the inside of love
I'm standing at the gates
I see the beauty above

I know the last page so well
I can't read the first
So I just don't start
It's getting worse

Those above lines say it all. This song is so beautiful, just listen to it. I have nothing else to say.

7. Fragile - Gnash ft. Wrenn


Gnash is best known for his song, I hate you, I love you. This song has this tenderness that just makes you want to close your eyes and just relax. 

I've got no one to hold me
Cause I, I turn them all away

I don't wanna be alone
But I'm better on my own
I know, sounds sad. But beautiful too right? 

So these were my favorite underrated songs that in a completely random order. I can't choose between them or rank them so...ya. Are any of these your favorite too? Let me know down below. And follow for more. 

Peace out!

Monday, August 22, 2016

7 Reasons Why Books are the Best Thing Ever!

3:50:00 AM

Why books are the best thing ever?

So, I write. A lot. To me, writing is like this compulsion. I just have to write. You now what I mean? I can't go a day without writing or reading something. I have been writing since a long time now. I am not an author but am not an amateur either. I am just a writer in love with the idea of expressing oneself with words. Words, I believe have this strong power over us. They can hurt you, they can make you fall in love, they can do anything. Seriously. And hence, it is said that we should choose our words wisely. 

But before I was a writer, I was reader. I still am and always will be. Here are 7 things that make books just the best thing in the world:


    1. Imagination


I was obsessed with fantasies and children's literature as a kid. Magic, Fairy-tales, Witches, Princesses, Vampires, Talking animals and whatnot fascinated me. My first book ever was the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. I remember having conversations with a few talking animals as a kid myself, except that unlike Mowgli, my 'talking' animals were imaginary. What I am trying to say here is that the more books I read, the more my imagination grew wild. And the wilder your imagination, the better right?      


          2. Escape



Books are my escape. There has never been a time when I was feeling low and my favorite comedy novel failed to cheer me up. It's Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome if any of you are wondering. What I am saying is that sometimes I get so lost in a book that everything just fades. Books have taught me that sometimes, it's okay to just forget everything and live in the moment.

          3. Dreams



I am a dreamer. And I have crazy dreams. And someday, they will come true. You know where I got that from? Yes, you guessed it. Books! Books made me believe in things I would have dismissed as impossible if it wasn't for them. Whenever anyone of my favorite characters achieved something they chased after, I believed in myself a little bit more. It's okay to have dreams. 


         4. Inspiration



Books Inspire. There have been so many new things I have tried because of books. Things like guitar, sketching, hiking and so on. Books inspired me to try different things. And most importantly, books have inspired me to write. 


        5. Happiness


Books make me happy. They just do. I can't even express theses feelings in words. Whenever I start a new book I am just so... happy. In short, A cup of coffee + A good book + A rainy day = A happy me.


       6. Thinking Ability


Books make you ponder. They make you wonder, they make you question things, they make you passionate about certain stuff. They make you think. Books, in general, widen your boundaries. Your thinking abilities are sharpened by books. Numerous times, I have sat down after finishing a book and  have just thought. Researched. Learned something new. Some books have this strong impact on you, they just change your whole perspective. 


    7. Books ARE your best friend



I never feel alone if I have a good book in my hands. NEVER. They are your best friends. So are dogs but let's just talk about books here. I feel so content when I read. Who wants to have friends when you can have books? Not me. Just kidding!

So, those were my reasons to love books. There are many more, I assure you but if I keep listing them out, chances are that you will abandon my post because it might as well be as long as a novel. If you are a reader like me you can totally relate to this. And if you don't read much, I suggest that you give books a try. They are awesome, don't you see? 

Let me know why you love books in the comments down below.